The intrepid Alan Wormington, who has an uncanny knack for turning up interesting birds during his annual forays across the north shore, found this
Western Kingbird, a casual visitor to the district, on October 18, 2013 at the Schreiber-Terrace Bay landfill, a stone's throw from the Trans-Canada Highway. Thanks for sharing your photos Alan.
October 18, 2013. Courtesy of Alan Wormington. |
October 18, 2013. Courtesy of Alan Wormington. |
Other photo-documented sightings of
WEKI along the north shore include:
- Sept. 10. 2010, at Marathon.
- Aug. 21, 2012, a new addition to the Pukaskwa National Park checklist. James Telford's eBird checklist and photo here.
...and some older autumn records adjudicated by the
OBRC, again courtesy of AW.
- November 2, 1996: Thunder Bay (Nick Escott -- found by?) --- accepted by OBRC.
- October 12, 1993: Thunder Cape (Nick Escott) --- accepted by OBRC.
- October 13, 1992: Terrace Bay (Alan Wormington) --- accepted by OBRC.