Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Results of the Dec 18, 2011 Marathon Christmas Bird Count
IN BRIEF: Decent weather, better-than-average participation, minimal snow cover and abundant forest food crops resulted in record high counts for the total number of individuals, number of species, and for 17 particular species. No new species were added.
IN DETAIL: Weather: winds light to moderate, temperatures ranged from -10C to -5C, sky overcast, isolated snow flurries off the lake.
Participants: Nine field parties and five feeder watchers.
The Highs: (previous HCs derived from the 36 CBCs held since 1958)
Species: 43 (40 in 2001)
Individuals: 4338 (2763 in 1994)
Bald Eagle: 9 (4 in 2003 and 2008)
Merlin: 2 (1 in 2005)
Wilson's Snipe: 3 (3 in 2010)
American Three-toed Woodpecker: 2 (2 in 2009)
American Crow: 118 (45 in 1990)
Red-breasted Nuthatch: 115 (89 in 2003)
Brown Creeper: 4 (3 in 1994)
Golden-crowned Kinglet: 9 (5 in 2010)
European Starling: 150 (112 in 1973)
Northern Cardinal: 7 (6 in 2010)
White-crowned Sparrow: 1 (1 in 2001, 2006)
Harris's Sparrow: 2 (1 in 1992, 1996, 1999)
Snow Bunting: 16 (8 in 2008)
Purple Finch: 174 (107 in 2003)
White-winged Crossbill: 668 (343 in 2003)
Common Redpoll: 956 (794 in 2008)
Pine Siskin: 350 (32 in 1973)
Additional count week species: American Robin: 1; House Sparrow: 1
Many thanks to all who participated and to the Friends of Pukaskwa National Park for donating a door prize for the compilation dinner.
Addendum (by request) - the complete count:
Long-tailed Duck - 1
Common Goldeneye - 9
Bald Eagle - 9
Merlin - 2
Ruffed Grouse - 1
Wilson's Snipe - 3
Herring Gull - 262
Glaucous Gull - 3
Rock Pigeon - 2
Mourning Dove - 15
Downy Woodpecker - 24
Hairy Woodpecker - 4
American Three-toed Woodpecker - 2
Pileated Woodpecker - 3
Gray Jay - 8
Blue Jay - 4
American Crow - 118
Common Raven - 331
Black-capped Chickadee - 181
Boreal Chickadee - 13
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 115
White-breasted Nuthatch - 1
Brown Creeper - 4
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 9
Bohemian Waxwing - 125
Cedar Waxwing - 424
Northern Shrike - 1
European Starling - 150
Northern Cardinal - 7
White-throated Sparrow -1
White-crowned Sparrow - 1
Harris' Sparrow - 2
Dark-eyed Junco - 35
Snow Bunting - 16
Common Grackle - 1
Pine Grosbeak - 266
Purple Finch - 174
White-winged Crossbill - 668
Common Redpoll - 956
Hoary Redpoll - 2
Pine Siskin - 350
American Goldfinch - 2
Evening Grosbeak - 34
Count Week:
American Robin - 1
House Sparrow - 1
IN DETAIL: Weather: winds light to moderate, temperatures ranged from -10C to -5C, sky overcast, isolated snow flurries off the lake.
Participants: Nine field parties and five feeder watchers.
The Highs: (previous HCs derived from the 36 CBCs held since 1958)
Species: 43 (40 in 2001)
Individuals: 4338 (2763 in 1994)
Bald Eagle: 9 (4 in 2003 and 2008)
Merlin: 2 (1 in 2005)
Wilson's Snipe: 3 (3 in 2010)
American Three-toed Woodpecker: 2 (2 in 2009)
American Crow: 118 (45 in 1990)
Red-breasted Nuthatch: 115 (89 in 2003)
Brown Creeper: 4 (3 in 1994)
Golden-crowned Kinglet: 9 (5 in 2010)
European Starling: 150 (112 in 1973)
Northern Cardinal: 7 (6 in 2010)
White-crowned Sparrow: 1 (1 in 2001, 2006)
Harris's Sparrow: 2 (1 in 1992, 1996, 1999)
Snow Bunting: 16 (8 in 2008)
Purple Finch: 174 (107 in 2003)
White-winged Crossbill: 668 (343 in 2003)
Common Redpoll: 956 (794 in 2008)
Pine Siskin: 350 (32 in 1973)
Additional count week species: American Robin: 1; House Sparrow: 1
Many thanks to all who participated and to the Friends of Pukaskwa National Park for donating a door prize for the compilation dinner.
Addendum (by request) - the complete count:
Long-tailed Duck - 1
Common Goldeneye - 9
Bald Eagle - 9
Merlin - 2
Ruffed Grouse - 1
Wilson's Snipe - 3
Herring Gull - 262
Glaucous Gull - 3
Rock Pigeon - 2
Mourning Dove - 15
Downy Woodpecker - 24
Hairy Woodpecker - 4
American Three-toed Woodpecker - 2
Pileated Woodpecker - 3
Gray Jay - 8
Blue Jay - 4
American Crow - 118
Common Raven - 331
Black-capped Chickadee - 181
Boreal Chickadee - 13
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 115
White-breasted Nuthatch - 1
Brown Creeper - 4
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 9
Bohemian Waxwing - 125
Cedar Waxwing - 424
Northern Shrike - 1
European Starling - 150
Northern Cardinal - 7
White-throated Sparrow -1
White-crowned Sparrow - 1
Harris' Sparrow - 2
Dark-eyed Junco - 35
Snow Bunting - 16
Common Grackle - 1
Pine Grosbeak - 266
Purple Finch - 174
White-winged Crossbill - 668
Common Redpoll - 956
Hoary Redpoll - 2
Pine Siskin - 350
American Goldfinch - 2
Evening Grosbeak - 34
Count Week:
American Robin - 1
House Sparrow - 1
Marathon Christmas Bird Count
Monday, December 12, 2011
Seen daily on Highway 627
White-winged Crossbills
Eastern Towhee in Sioux Lookout
A rarity at any time of year in northern Ontario, this male Eastern Towhee has been visiting a feeder in Sioux Lookout in the Kenora District since November 20th. Many thanks to Marlie Squires for sharing the sighting.
In Longlac, Thunder Bay District, an even more unusual Spotted Towhee continues to visit the feeder where it was first seen on November 12th.
[click on images to enlarge]
In Longlac, Thunder Bay District, an even more unusual Spotted Towhee continues to visit the feeder where it was first seen on November 12th.
[click on images to enlarge]
Eastern Towhee,
rare birds,
Sioux Lookout
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Join in the December 18th Marathon Christmas Bird Count
On December 18, volunteer naturalists will conduct Marathon's annual Christmas Bird Count (CBC). Birders of all skill levels are welcome to help count birds within a 12 km radius of town, which includes the communities of Heron Bay and Pic River. Some parties will range out into the bush on skis and snowshoes while others will stay close to their vehicles, counting birds along the roadsides.
Residents who maintain bird feeders will contribute by keeping a tally sheet of the species visiting their yards. All participants are encouraged to attend a fun and informal chili dinner at 5:30 pm during which bird numbers will be totaled and stories and photos will be shared.
Marathon Count Circle
Marathon residents have participated in most years since 1973. Over all years a total of 85 species have been recorded but for each year the average is 25 and no two years are the same. While a handful of common species - Herring Gull, Common Raven, Black-capped Chickadee and European Starling - are seen every year, waterfowl, raptors and winter finches are less predictable. Each year turns up a few surprises.
Bald Eagles are now commonly sighted in Marathon throughout the year but they only began appearing on the CBC in 1994 as the continental population rebounded following the implementation of restrictions on the use of organochlorine pesticides.
Northern Cardinal, a very common species in the south, started appearing on our CBC in the late 1980s reflecting an ongoing northward expansion of its range.
Related links:
Residents who maintain bird feeders will contribute by keeping a tally sheet of the species visiting their yards. All participants are encouraged to attend a fun and informal chili dinner at 5:30 pm during which bird numbers will be totaled and stories and photos will be shared.

Marathon residents have participated in most years since 1973. Over all years a total of 85 species have been recorded but for each year the average is 25 and no two years are the same. While a handful of common species - Herring Gull, Common Raven, Black-capped Chickadee and European Starling - are seen every year, waterfowl, raptors and winter finches are less predictable. Each year turns up a few surprises.

Northern Cardinal, a very common species in the south, started appearing on our CBC in the late 1980s reflecting an ongoing northward expansion of its range.
How to Get Involved
- Those wishing to participate in this year's CBC should contact Martha Allen at 229-1319 immediately. Martha will assign each person to a team covering a particular section of the count circle. Those conducting feeder watches will be given a tally sheet for birds visiting their back yards.
- In the morning, each bird counting team will assemble before heading out to count birds in their assigned areas.
- (Optional) Bird counting teams will meet up with each other at noon at Rumours Coffee House & Deli in the Superior Place Mall (2 Ontario Street) to warm up and trade stories before heading back out for the afternoon.
- Tally sheets should be dropped off at 8 Steedman Dr. around 5:30 pm. All are welcome to stay for a bowl of chili, a slide show and a draw for a prize donated by the Friends of Pukaskwa.
Related links:
Marathon Christmas Bird Count
Friday, December 9, 2011
Harlequin Duck at Pukaskwa National Park
Parks Canada staff photographed a stunning male Harlequin Duck off the Manito Miikana peninsula in Pukaskwa National Park today. The bird was found swimming along a very exposed, steep rocky shore - typical wintering habitat for the species.
The Harlequin Duck is considered rare in northern Ontario and 2011 has been a better than average year for sightings in the Thunder Bay District. This fall others have been seen on the Nipigon River (one on Oct 22), at the Thunder Cape Bird Observatory on the Sibley Peninsula (two on Oct 22) and in the Kam River in Thunder Bay (one on Nov 11).
Harlequin Ducks have been sighted in the park a few times before.
Park visitors should note that entrance gate is closed for the season. All access is on foot.
[click on images to enlarge]
December 10 update: We hiked in to the park and enjoyed watching the Harlequin Duck bobbing around in the surf.
View Larger Map
The Harlequin Duck is considered rare in northern Ontario and 2011 has been a better than average year for sightings in the Thunder Bay District. This fall others have been seen on the Nipigon River (one on Oct 22), at the Thunder Cape Bird Observatory on the Sibley Peninsula (two on Oct 22) and in the Kam River in Thunder Bay (one on Nov 11).
Harlequin Ducks have been sighted in the park a few times before.
Park visitors should note that entrance gate is closed for the season. All access is on foot.
[click on images to enlarge]
December 10 update: We hiked in to the park and enjoyed watching the Harlequin Duck bobbing around in the surf.
View Larger Map
Harlequin Duck,
Histrionicus histrionicus
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
American Three-toed Woodpecker
I heard this bird foraging deep in a stand of spruce from a distance of 50 m or so. It and a Hairy Woodpecker were today's additions to my 2011-12 north shore winter bird list.
[click on image to enlarge]
[click on image to enlarge]
American Three-toed Woodpecker
Saturday, December 3, 2011
White-winged gulls at the Town of Marathon landfill
Gull viewing conditions at the town landfill were better than usual today - the gates were open and several hundred gulls were present and cooperative. These birds have become habituated to the dump trucks, graders and bulldozers associated with the operation of the landfill. They slowly walked out of the path of my truck as I slowly drove, about 10 metres at a time, through the loafing flock. If I had been on foot, I wouldn't have been able to get closer than 100 metres or so without flushing them.
Almost all were mature Herring Gulls.
[click on images to enlarge]
Usually two or three Glaucous Gulls overwinter in town. Iceland Gulls are less common. This sharp looking first cycle bird was the first we've seen this autumn.
Almost all were mature Herring Gulls.
[click on images to enlarge]
Usually two or three Glaucous Gulls overwinter in town. Iceland Gulls are less common. This sharp looking first cycle bird was the first we've seen this autumn.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Winter birding begins!
A few of today's sightings:
[click on images to enlarge]
Here's today's tally - 20 species. I'm guessing we'll see about 40 species along the north shore between Dec. 1 and Feb. 29. The cumulative total can be seen in the sidebar.
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Here's today's tally - 20 species. I'm guessing we'll see about 40 species along the north shore between Dec. 1 and Feb. 29. The cumulative total can be seen in the sidebar.
- Bald Eagle
- Herring Gull
- Mourning Dove
- Downy Woodpecker
- Black-backed Woodpecker
- Gray Jay
- American Crow
- Common Raven
- Black-capped Chickadee
- Red-breasted Nuthatch
- European Starling
- Harris's Sparrow
- Dark-eyed Junco
- Northern Cardinal
- Pine Grosbeak
- White-winged Crossbill
- Purple Finch
- Common Redpoll
- Pine Siskin
- Evening Grosbeak
Black-backed Woodpecker,
Harris's Sparrow
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