Our backyard is are hopping with scores of American Tree Sparrows, Dark-eyed Juncos, Pine Siskins and Purple Finches. We have smaller numbers of Fox, White-throated and Song Sparrows. The Eurasian Siskin returned on April 19 after not being seen for a few days.
Nolan and I spent the better part of a fair Sunday birding in the Town of Marathon & the Hwy 627 corridor through Heron Bay and Hattie Cove in Pukaskwa National Park. We came up with 43 species:
Canada Goose 11 | Rock Pigeon 2 | American Robin 14 |
American Black Duck 3 | Mourning Dove 5 | Yellow-rumped Warbler 1* |
Mallard 5 | Belted Kingfisher 1 | Song Sparrow 22 |
Green-winged Teal 4 | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1 | Fox Sparrow 2 |
Bufflehead 2 | Downy Woodpecker 7 | White-throated Sparrow 1 |
Common Goldeneye 23 | Northern Flicker 18 | American Tree Sparrow 18 |
Common Merganser 4 | American Crow 22 | Dark-eyed Junco 65 |
Ruffed Grouse 8 | Common Raven 50 | Red-winged Blackbird 3 |
Great Blue Heron* 1 | Black-capped Chickadee 15 | Common Grackle 8 |
Turkey Vulture 2 | Red-breasted Nuthatch 12 | Brown-headed Cowbird 3 |
Bald Eagle 2 | Winter Wren 6 | Purple Finch 12 |
American Kestrel* 1 | Golden-crowned Kinglet 30 | Pine Siskin 16 |
Merlin 2 | Ruby-crowned Kinglet 6 | Evening Grosbeak 10 |
Ring-billed Gull 41 | European Starling 6 | *first of year |
Herring Gull 230 | Hermit Thrush 3 |
Our friend Wayne Michano reported some good birds from Marathon:
April 14 - Yellow-rumped Warbler (3); In our Crab-apple tree.
April 17- Bohemian Waxwings (5-6); Green-belt behind our home; positive identification via the reddish features near the rump portion of the tail feathers.
April 17- Sandhill Cranes flying over our home area; way high up; I could not see them.
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