I've been tethered to my desk for much of the last two weeks and have appreciated the bird activity in our back yard. For much of the last two weeks,until yesterday, the entourage of seed eaters included 20 or so each of Dark-eyed Junco and American Tree Sparrow, a dozen or so each of Purple Finch and Brown-headed Cowbird and a smattering of Red-winged Blackbirds, White-throated and Song Sparrows.
All of this changed dramatically today. Buoyed by south winds, most of the juncos and American Tree Sparrows departed and in their place came a wave other species. As I look out my window now, I see the following:
Mourning Dove 2 | European Starling 5 | White-throated Sparrow 28 |
Downy Woodpecker 1 | American Tree Sparrow 2 | White-crowned Sparrow 1 |
American Crow 2 | Chipping Sparrow 4 | Dark-eyed Junco 4 |
Red-breasted Nuthatch 2 | Savannah Sparrow 1 | Brown-headed Cowbird 6 |
Black-capped Chickadee 2 | Song Sparrow 2 | Purple Finch 17 |
American Robin 1 | Savannah Sparrow 1 | Pine Siskin 9 |
That's a lot of sparrows!

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